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10CORE’s mission is to provide access to justice through legal literacy. Underlying its mission, 10CORE believes:

1. Safe and affordable housing is a human right.

2. Owning real estate, in particular, is an important milestone that helps families build wealth and collectively build communities; and

3. Unacceptable wealth disparities exist and have resulted in an increase in the number of vulnerable youth and families.

Given its mission and beliefs, 10CORE pledges:

1. To be part of a holistic solution to provide access to justice by educating youth and adults (“Participants”) about real estate and related matters;

2. To gather real estate lawyers, law professors, real estate professionals, and law students to participate in effective exchanges to empower Participants; 

3. To create a new normal where Participants not only thrive, but change their trajectories so they can prepare, dream, and prosper; and 

4. To implement programming to reflect our mission and the following values:


Given our mission to provide “access to justice through legal literacy,” our life-skills courses fill voids with reliable information so that everyone has equal access to information.


Along with our network of Volunteers and 10CORE S.W.A.G. faculty, we work to provide housing literacy for our Participants, but also recognize the importance of simultaneously enhancing core literacy skills.


We inspire Participants to acquire knowledge through our innovative tools and resources, thereby positioning them to pursue and achieve individual goals. Our courses introduce them to the real estate process, real estate professionals, entrepreneurship, and relevant documents, among other things. With these tools, Participants and their families will benefit for generations. 


We work with committed Volunteers and business partners to achieve shared goals related to our mission and use those relationships to enhance our Participants’ lives.


To overcome injustices, we believe that it will take collective action. In our sector, our hope lies in knowing that our programming will create a new normal where people will acknowledge the significance of this information; and, when paired with other economic stimuli, employment, and/or entrepreneurship, will create unlimited opportunities for our Participants.


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